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Default Schedule


There are three types of default schedules. Setup for all three are accessed from Main Menu, select Setup | Schedules.

1. Practice Default: The standard opening and closing times for the practice. This determines the background color in the Appointments module. To set the schedule for specific days of the month which are different than the default, see the Practice Schedule section.

2. Provider Default : Each Provider can have their own schedule. This is displayed in the Appointments module the the vertical time bar for that provider along the left side.

3. Blockout Default: See the Blockouts section for information on blockouts. The blockout defaults are setup very similarly to the other two types, except that you can also set individual operatories.

This shows the schedule for an entire standard week. The colors will be the same as the appointment book and are set up from Definitions. You add blocks of time using the add block button. To edit an existing block, double click on it. In either case, the following window will open:

You can edit the start and stop time of the block as well as the day of the week. To delete the block, click on the delete button. DentOffice will not let you schedule a block that would overlap another block.