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In the Family module, click on the Recall button in the main toolbar at the top.

Once you have recall set up for a patient, it will show in the Recall List in the Appointments module. From there, you can print postcards, make phone calls, etc.

You can disable a recall using the checkbox at the top. This is preferred over deleting a recall because DentOffice will frequently automatically add a recall back if certain criteria are met. By disabling a recall instead, you guarantee that the patient will not show up unexpectedly on the recall list.

The Previous Date is always calculated automatically based on procedures completed. For a procedure to affect the previous date, it must be set up in Procedure Codes so that the Triggers Recall box is checked. You can see which procedures are triggering recalls in the Recall Setup. The Calculated Due Date is simply the Previous Date plus the interval. If the Actual Due Date exactly matches the Calculated Due Date, then the Actual Due Date will stay synchronized with the Calculated Due Date. If you change the Actual Due Date, then it will stay that way and will never be automatically updated.

The recall interval can be any combination of years, months, weeks, and days. A common interval is 6 month plus 1 day so that the patient won't accidentally have their six month recall too early. For patients with periodontal disease, you might change the interval to 3 or 4 months.

Every time a recall appointment is completed, it resets the dates, the status, and the note. The status list can be set up from the Definitions window. The note is usually entered as part of the process of reviewing the recall list and is enabled to accept Quick Paste Notes.

The delete button will delete the recall as long as there is not a previous date. Otherwise, you will have to disable it instead. DentOffice will also add and delete recalls as necessary. But this is done in a way that no important information is lost. It will not automatically delete a recall unless all values are default and there is no useful information.