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This is the payment editing window. The payment could be either a new payment, entered by pressing the payment button, or an existing payment, accessed by double clicking on the item in the Account module.

Sometimes you will need to split a payment between different patients, families, providers, dates, or procedures. If you do not need to split the payment, a split will be automatically created when you click OK, and you won't have to worry about it.

The payment date at the very top is the date of the actual check and will be used on the Deposit Slip. Each payment has a list of Pay Splits. There might just be one split, as in the example above, or multiple splits. The date showing for the split is known as the procedure date. This is typically the date the procedure was done and affects the aging. Typically you just ignore the split feature, but if you have a very complex family situation with multiple insurances and the patient wants to see which payments went towards which procedures, you can reassign the splits, attaching them to various procedures. The dates on the splits may all be different.

If the amount of the total payment excedes the patient's balance owed, then DentOffice attempts to create a series of paysplits to apply to other family members with balances owed. This all happens automatically, but you can always go back and edit each split if you don't like the way the payment was split.

Payment types are in a list at the upper right. This list may be edited from the Definitions window.