Dental School Software

DentOffice works well in a large dental school or dental hygeine school, and this page explains how to set it up.


The MySQL database runs on the server. You can connect about 50 workstations to a single server. If you have more computers than that, you may need a second server to handle the load. With multiple servers, you would run the database in a cluster configuration, with the load distributed between the servers. If you wish to use clustering, you cannot currently use Windows for the servers, but should instead use Linux, Unix, or MacOS. If you have a single server, it can be any can be any operating system, including Windows. Each workstation that is connected to your server(s) would have to be running Windows 98 or higher. By late 2005, we expect to be able to run the workstations on Linux, significantly reducing the cost and licensing issues while at the same time improving reliability. You would spend more time than a small office setting up the MySQL security. There are many network technicians with skill in MySQL, so this should not be difficult.


A Provider usually refers to a dentist or a hygeinist. In this case, a provider would be a dental student or a dental hygeine student. You can have unlimited providers. So if you have 200 dental students and 100 hygeine students, you would set up all 300 of them as providers. All Patients would be assigned a primary provider and an optional secondary or hygeine provider. You would also want to set up a default provider for the entire school in the Practice setup which represented a patient that was still unassigned to a student. It would be a dummy provider perhaps called 'unassigned'. It does not show in the screenshot, but if you have more than 20 providers (starting with version 2.9), the provider setup window enlarges to fill the entire screen for easier management. One feature that is missing in the provider setup window is a better way to organize a very long list of providers. Currently, you will have to add them one at a time to the end of the list and then use the up and down arrow keys to movc them to the correct place in the list. The arrows will be enhanced in a future version for more speed. As students graduate, they are hidden, but not deleted from the list.


Each patient chair would be represented in the system as an operatory. You can have an unlimited number of operatories which are set up in the Definitions window.

Appointment Views

You obviously don't want to view hundreds of operatories on one screen at the same time because there is not room. So, use the Appointment Views to set up logical groupings of about 3 to 6 operatories each. That view would also only show the providers assigned to those operatories. So for about every 5 students, there would be an appointment view that they could use. If you have certain departments like Oral Surgery or Endodontics that are shared by students, then those views could go at the top of the list. The first 12 views will be assigned to the F1-F12 keys on the keyboard, so the frequently used views will be easier to access. For operatories that are shared by many students, you would not include any providers in the view. This will simply eliminate the vertical bar at the left. It will not keep appointments by various students from showing in that view.

Missing Features

There are few reports for schedules, grades, and instructors. Of course, User Queries give large organizations all the power they could want. Also, security is currently undergoing an overhaul, but it should be done in a few weeks, well before you would need it.

Support Contracts

These will be worked out on an individual basis. The software is essentially free ($299 for unlimited computers), so support would be the only software related expense.