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Miscellaneous Setup

From the Main Menu, select Setup | Miscellaneous:

The Treatment Plans section controls some of the defaults for the Treatment Plan module. Users can override these options on the Treatment Plan page.

The Statements section controls some behavior on Statements.

The disable AutoRefresh feature disables the ability of the computers to send signals to each other over the local network. The appointments will not be refreshed on other workstations, and the Message buttons will not work. Also, any changes made to procedure codes and other basic information will not be updated on any of the other workstations unless the program is closed and reopened.

The option to allow multiple copies to run on one computer is intended to allow you to use terminal services or something similar. When you need to access your server from multiple remote terminals at the same time, then this would need to be checked. If you only have one office location, then this does not apply to you. Be aware that the AutoRefresh feature will not work on any instance of the program except the first one. So users should learn to restart DentOffice if they change the information listed on the autorefresh page. This should not happen very often, so should not be an inconvenience.

For users in countries outside the US, International tooth numbers can be used. The numbers used will be 11-48 for permanent teeth and 51-85 for primary teeth. This does not change how any data is stored in the database, but only how it is displayed on the screen and in reports. So, you can freely switch back and forth between International tooth numbers and the American 1-32 / A-T system. Supernumerary teeth are not yet handled.