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Medical / Service Notes

Medical and Service Notes are two different kinds of freeform notes that are used to be able to quickly view the patient's status. They are in the lower left corner of the Chart module. To edit, click on the Medical/Service button. The following window will open:

The left section is meant to be a summary which will show in the Chart module. The Urgent Medical Note also shows in red is some other places in the program, like on the main Appointments module screen and on individual appointments if the Views have been set up for that. The service notes can be used however you wish. It is for patient trivia that is gleaned from discussions in the operatory and may include hobbies, employment, whether they need a blanket or pillow, nervous behavior, whether they are on a strict budget, whether they have to drive a long time to get to the office, etc.

The right section is designed to maintain a complete current medical history. The assistants should type in all items that the patient marks on whatever medical history form you have them fill out. Once the data is entered into the computer, you can refer to it more easily than the handwritten patient version. There is still no archiving or update mechanism, so all changes should also be entered as chart notes and this section should always reflect the current medical status.

The section at the top is for all the medications that the patient is currently taking. You can add medications to the master list as you encounter them, and attach them to the patients taking those medications. Clicking the Add button and selecting a medication from the list, or double clicking on a medication for a patient will bring up this screen. The only field you are allowed to edit is Notes for this Patient. The Medication notes are different. They are stored with the generic drug and will display for all patients taking that medication.

See the Medications section for information on how to add medications, how to separate generic from brand name, and how to keep it organized.