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Missing Teeth

All missing teeth should be recorded at the first visit, generally before entering in any needed treatment. This allows proper selection of pontics for bridges, and is also required when submitting claims. Missing teeth are indicated by entering in extractions in the Chart module with a status of "Existing", either Ex Other or Ex Cur (if extractions were done in your office). To enter missing teeth, first change the Entry Status to Ex Other, then select all the missing teeth, holding down the control key form multiple teeth, and select an extraction procedure. The extractions will be automatically have their dates set to 01/01/0001 so that they will go to the top of the Progress Notes rather than cluttering the middle of the list. When done, remember to change the Entry Status back to TP before entering in the planned treatment. If the teeth do not show as missing, then you must check the procedure code that you used. In the Procedure Code setup, the box "Remove Tooth if marked complete" must be checked.