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Insurance Carriers

In the Main Menu, select Lists | Insurance Carriers.

Carriers can be attached to Insurance Plans, although you can also have carriers in the list that are not attached to any insurance plan. Normally, carriers will be added to this list automatically for you. So you would only go into this section to manage the list. Double clicking on a carrier or clicking Edit will bring up this window:

ElectID is the electronic ID to use when submitting electronic claims. Insurance companies will be able to provide you with the correct number. If you wish to send the claims by paper instead of electronically then check the box next to the Electronic ID. This is typically done if the carrier does not accept electronic claims.

The box at the bottom shows how many insurance plans are using this carrier. The dropdown list shows a list of all those subscribers. You can not delete a carrier that is in use, but you can combine carriers using the Combine button in the main window. To combine carriers, select multiple carriers while holding down the control key. Then click Combine,

From this list, you can select the one carrier that the others will be combined into. When you click OK, the remaining carriers will be deleted and all affected insurance plans assigned to the new carrier.

For information on how to enter carriers into an Insurance Plan, see that section.