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Mobile Version

There is no mobile version of DentOffice yet. Although, if you have PocketPC or a Palm, it is still very easy to carry your data with you. You can export any data as a text file and open it using a spreadsheet program on your mobile device. See the User Query page for instructions on exporting reports. We can write specific reports for you so you don't have to know SQL. Once the mobile version has been created, it will be a little more user friendly, but it still has all the power you need right now. You can take with you a patient list, appoinment list, contact list, Rx list, etc. It is really up to you what you want to export every day. Because each table currently needs to be exported manually, you might keep the number of tables to a minimum for efficiency.

This page will act as a resource for development. We will probably use SuperWaba and their Catalog class which stores data as primitive byte arrays.

Other options instead of SuperWaba with the PDBDriver are Ewe, SQLite / SQLite.NET, Microsoft C# Pocket PC emulator, or others.

The application does not need to be complex at first. It will probably start with an appointment list at first and then move on to include a patient list, Rx list, and contact list (for pharmacies). Trying to fit all the daily appointments on one screen could be a little challenging, but we will probably just make it a text list.

We would also like to make synchronizing very simple. The synchronization would be done from DentOffice on any workstation. A single click should transfer all necessary data as well as any program changes to the PDA.

Eventually, functionality will be added to let you edit patients, add prescriptions, and make appointments. These would all be uploaded back to the main database when you returned to the office. This type of uploading info to the server must be done very carefully and deliberately. It must be specifically built in as a feature, or you will end up with corrupted data. It will be some time before this type of functionality will be present.

Furthermore, if your device had wireless capabilities, it could conceivably maintain a realtime connection with the main database, either over a LAN in the office, or through a wireless telephone connection.

Suggested table structures:

Patient (info probably divided between two screens):

RxPat (history for each patient)


Contact (Pharmacies, etc.)