Discussion Forum

Go to the forum: http://freedental.forumco.com/default.asp

If you would like your picture on each posting, just send it in an email, and it will be attached. The forums are searchable, so you can search for any keyword. We have not had any problems with this forum except for brief periods of unavailability. It is very user friendly. But, if you do have problems with registering or logging in and you are using Internet Explorer 6, it is most probably your cookie settings. In Internet Explorer 6, try the following:

Click Tools > Internet Options > Privacy
Under "Websites" at the bottom click "Edit" (on the right)
Under "Address of Website" type forumco.com and click "allow".
Click Ok.
This brings you back to the privacy popup box.
Click "Advanced" in the middle of the box.
Make sure that "Overide automatic cookie handling" is checked.
Under "first party cookies" check "Accept"
Under "third party cookies" check "Accept"
Always allow session cookies should also be checked.
click ok and ok again.
Close all Internet Explorer windows.
Open Internet explorer and try to login to the forum.

Also, make sure that the time/date/year are set correctly on your computer.

If you do have problems, please notify us immediately.