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Communications Log

This is a general purpose log of all communications. It is usually accessed from the Account module, although you do have access to it in the Appointment Edit window, and the Recall edit window.

There is no way to customize the types yet because the program uses them for special purposes. You should not use the Comm Log feature for any clinical notes yet because you can not view Comm Log entries in the Chart module. Instead, use a clinical note which is just like any other procedure code. You will notice that some Comm Log entries are made automatically by the program, but you still have the option to edit them. If you send an E-mail, it will be attached to a Comm Log item, and in the window above, there would be a "View E-mail" button below the note section.

CommLog entries with a type of Statement Sent are generated automatically every time you print a statement. They are handled specially. They only show as line items in the main Account module. They do not show in the regular CommLog list. This is so that the patient can see when statements were sent out and so that the CommLog doesn't get cluttered with statement sent entries.